Social Justice Resources
Implicit Bias Test
NASP Resources
Social Justice Definitions Are you beginning your social justice journey? Interested in learning more about evolving definitions for social justice? Click on these links for more information.
EDI Podcast Series Do you love podcasts? Click here to check out the great DEI podcasts that NASP has created. An easy way to build your social justice skills.
Intersectionality and School Psychology: Implications for Practice Understanding intersectionality is crucial to school psychologists and their ability to support our most marginalized students. Using these resources will support your use of an intersectionality lens in your practice of school psychology.
Social Justice Lesson Plans NASP has cultivated a wide range of resources to create social justice lesson plans that you can use in your district. There is one lesson plan for working with staff and a separate lesson plan for working with students. Supplemental facilitation materials are also available.
NASP Position Statement in Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination Are you working to develop a position statement for your district? Click here to review and download the NASP Position Statement in Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination.
Implicit Bias: A Foundation for School Psychologists We all have implicit bias. Are you wondering what it is and how you can address it in yourselves and support others? NASP has resources on understanding bias as well as an extensive list of additional training that can support you and your teams and state association in addressing implicit bias within yourself and your communities.
Cultural-Competence Self-Assessment Are you reflecting on your culturally responsive practices? Are you in the process of writing your own annual performance evaluation goals? This checklist may be helpful. Click here to use the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment
2022-2023 NASP National Book Read Click here to learn about the book Troublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School and how you can use NASP resources to facilitate your own book club in your district, department or school.
APA Resources
APA Position Statement on Social Justice This is the Society for Humanistic Psychology’s webpage that articulates the position of the American Psychological Association regarding social justice.
APA Social Justice Lectures and Presentations This is the Society for Humanistic Psychology’s YouTube Channel that houses a number of social justice lectures and presentations.
APA Race, Trauma, and Social Justice Resources This is APA Publishing’s website which offers resources, calls for papers, and generally showcases research on racism, discrimination, and social justice to improve psychological outcomes for underrepresented communities.
Healing through Social Justice Videos This is APA Division 45’s website that offers videos to promote healing through social justice efforts.
Social Justice Advocacy Webpage This is APA Division 17’s website that describes advocacy efforts for various marginalized groups. The goal is to offer resources that encourage critical analyses and learning about intersecting social issues, and to provide outlets to engage in action to foster social justice.
Texas Resources
Houston Area Urban League Center for Social Justice and Education This website is designed to inform our communities through the power of education and make it possible for the most vulnerable to live with limited constraints by protecting their civil rights and liberties.
Texas Civil Rights Project This webpage describes efforts of this organization through legal advocacy and litigation, critical tools to protect and advance the civil rights of everyone in Texas, particularly our State’s most vulnerable populations. They aim to effect positive and lasting change to law and policy.
Texas Organizing Project The Texas Organizing Project (TOP) operates the following issue-based campaigns in Harris, Dallas, and Bexar counties year-round. Click these links to learn more: RIGHT2JUSTICE; IMMIGRATION JUSTICE; HEALTHCARE JUSTICE; RIGHT2VOTE; EDUCATION JUSTICE; HOUSING JUSTICE; CLIMATE JUSTICE.
Texas Appleseed Texas Appleseed's mission is to promote social, economic, and racial justice for all Texans by leveraging the skills and resources of volunteer lawyers, other professionals, and community partners to identify practical solutions to difficult, systemic problems.
ADL Southwest (Anti-Defamation League) This organization is committed to fighting anti-Semitism and hate, as well as combating bigotry, discrimination, and extremism in Texas.
Code Switch-NPR
Nice White Parents-Serial and New York Times
Unconscious Bias in Schools-The Harvard EdCast
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor-Layla Saad