You are cordially invited to join TASP in one of our five membership categories.

If your membership is in the renewal period or if your membership has lapsed and you need to renew your current membership, then go here. This link is NOT for those whose memberships expired more than one year ago. To verify membership status, contact the Membership Committee Chairperson at

Membership Categories:

A Regular Member (voting) is one who is:

  • Currently functioning or credentialed as an LSSP; or
  • Trained as an LSSP, and functioning as a consultant or supervisor of psychological services; or
  • Primarily engaged in training of school psychologists at college or university;
  • And is not eligible for any other membership status;
  • and resides in the state of Texas.

PURCHASE NOW ($75 for one year or $140 for two years)

A Retired Member (non-voting) is one who was a regular member in good standing and whose license is in retired status according to TSBEP records.

PURCHASE NOW ($55 for one year or $100 for two years)

An Affiliate Member (non-voting) is one who is trained or employed in a closely related field or profession, but does not meet the requirements for Regular Membership.

PURCHASE NOW ($55 for one year or $100 for two years)

An Early Career Member (voting) is one who has:

  • Met the training requirements for the Texas school psychology credential;
  • And has been designated by the TSBEP to be of trainee status;
  • Or is in their first year of licensure/certification to practice school psychology;
  • and resides in the state of Texas.

PURCHASE NOW ($45 for one year, does not have the option to purchase a two-year membership)

A Student Member (voting) is one who is actively engaged (minimum six semester hours or its equivalent per semester) in a program of school psychology. Includes internship year.

PURCHASE NOW ($40 for one year or $70 for two years)

Membership dues are non-refundable.